What are Illegal Drugs?

Illegal drugs are those that have not been prescribed by a doctor or purchased at a pharmacy. They are sometimes called “street drugs.” Some examples are heroin (also called horse, Jaco or flop), cocaine (coca or crack), PCP, ecstasy (MDMA), Rohypnol (rape drug) and methamphetamine (speed or speed).

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The effects of illegal drugs can be difficult to predict because:

People respond differently to the same drugs.

The concentration or potency of the drug may be indeterminate.

They may contain unknown substances or dangerous chemicals, such as fentanyl. There is no quality control for street drugs like there is for prescription drugs.

They can interact with other drugs or alcohol in harmful or unpredictable ways.

This information is not a substitute for medical advice, and Healthwise Incorporated disclaims all warranties and liability for its use. 

What Does The Drug And Alcohol Test
For Workers Consist Of?

A very important measure in various work environments is the application of a drug and alcohol test, which ensures safe work, avoids accidents and maintains correct productivity. 

Therefore, this article explains some of the main implications of this test and answers some of the most frequently asked questions about it. 

What Is A Drug And Alcohol Test?

A drug and alcohol test is a test that is performed to detect the presence of these substances in the body and is aimed at any worker who is over 18 years of age.

What Is The Importance Of Checking For Substances Of Abuse In The Work Environment?

Safety in the workplace is an undisputed priority. In this context, the presence of substances such as drugs or alcohol can increase the risk of accidents and injuries, putting both employees and their colleagues at risk. 

What Drugs Does The Test Detect?

Drug and alcohol tests can detect a wide variety of drugs, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamine
  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cannabinoids
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Methamphetamine
  • Opioids

Screening involves the investigation of drug abuse in people who do not necessarily have symptoms of intoxication or symptoms of such abuse. It can be done systematically or randomly in

  • Certain groups of people, such as students, athletes, and prison inmates
  • People who opt for or already work in certain jobs (such as pilots or truck drivers)
  • People who have participated in traffic or cabotage accidents or at work
  • People who have attempted suicide by unclear means
  • People who are in drug abuse treatment programs by order of a judge, or those who are on probation that requires abstinence, to verify their compliance
  • People who are in a substance abuse treatment program, in order to detect persistence in consumption and thus be able to plan a more appropriate treatment
  • People who must undergo drug testing as part of custody or parental rights hearings
  • members of the army
  • Generally, people must give consent for substance testing, except in certain circumstances, such as traffic accidents or workplace accidents. Drug tests cannot determine the frequency with which the substance is used, and for this reason, they cannot discriminate between occasional users and regular users. 

What Are The Most Common Illegal Drugs?

According to this criterion, we can differentiate between central nervous system depressant drugs, among which we find the following: alcohol, opiates (heroin, morphine, methadone), tranquilizers and hypnotics; central nervous system stimulant drugs: amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine and caffeine; and drugs that disrupt the central nervous system, such as cannabis derivatives, synthetic narcotics and hallucinogens.

The administration of small doses of some of these substances produces, among other results, artificial sensations of calm and wellbeing, increased appetite, euphoria and talkativeness, but also tachycardia, redness of the eyes, difficulties in complex mental processes and alterations of the temporal and sensory perception. A second phase of depression and drowsiness usually follows this.

The consumption of large quantities is much more serious because it can generate confusion, lethargy, altered perception of reality and even panic symptoms, a situation that is complicated when additional alcohol is ingested, giving rise to possible symptoms of lipothymia. Below is a summary of the main characteristics of the illegal drugs most consumed among young people.

Hashish: in the medium and long term, the consumption of hashish can slow down the psychological functioning of the user, hindering functions related to learning, concentration and memory. The same can be said for the execution of complex tasks that require mental clarity and psychomotor coordination, such as driving a vehicle, making decisions or climbing stairs. Likewise, acute panic and anxiety reactions may occur, and in predisposed people, it may favor the triggering of schizophrenic-type psychiatric disorders. It has also been shown that continued intake of this substance interferes with short-term memory. This can influence students’ lower academic performance.

Cocaine: after its administration, the individual feels a fictitious state of euphoria, talkativeness, increased sensitivity, mental acceleration, hyperactivity, increased sexual desire, and decreased feeling of fatigue with a great capacity for attention and concentration. Therefore, it could be presented as something attractive if it were not for the fact that all this is accompanied by other desirable consequences: pupillary dilation, severe headaches, insomnia, digestive disorders such as loss of appetite and nausea, possible seizures, hallucinations, delirium, tachycardia and increase of blood pressure, even coma. The use of cocaine can cause significant psychological disorders such as paranoid ideas and depression. Furthermore, the psychological dependence it generates is one of the most intense among those caused by drugs. On an organic level, both due to its cerebral activity and its usual route of administration, its use is capable of causing a perforation of the nasal septum, respiratory pathology, risks of heart attacks, cerebral accidents, as well as ischemic heart disease.

Inhalants: initially, they can cause euphoria and joy, occasional hallucinations and behavioral disorders (aggression). Subsequently, depression appears, and it is possible to achieve severe intoxication similar to alcohol intoxication and even loss of consciousness. They are joined by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, cough and tearing.

Aspiration of highly concentrated quantities of chemical substances containing solvents or aerosols sometimes generates liver and kidney damage and is usually a direct cause of heart failure, asphyxiation and death. Among the irreversible effects are hearing loss, limb spasms, brain and bone marrow lesions.

Synthetic hallucinogens: Among synthetic hallucinogens, the best known is lysergic acid. It causes a notable sensory alteration, accompanied by difficulties in concentration, thought control and the ability to remember. Likewise, it produces a modification of the notion of time and space, reduces muscular coordination and provokes hallucinations that can range from a pleasant scenario to an unreal world that is terrifying. An increase in temperature, tachycardia, vertigo, nausea and pupillary dilation accompanies its administration. In addition, it produces important psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and psychosis.

Another associated risk is the hallucinations experienced. Thus, there are known cases of death in which the victim under the influence of drugs jumped from a building, arguing “that she could fly” or stood on the railway track because she “felt capable of stopping the train.”

Amphetamines: Amphetamines are substances produced synthetically in laboratories. Their action varies considerably depending on individuals, environments and circumstances. The most common immediate effects are characterized by an unreal state of euphoria that manifests itself with nervous excitement, insomnia, talkativeness, increased levels of confidence and satisfaction, agitation (sometimes aggressiveness), hyperactivity, increased wakefulness and decreased sleep, fatigue, and thinking speed.

From a physical point of view, they can cause thirst, sweating, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, nausea, discomfort, headache, dizziness, and even visual and auditory hallucinations. When its effects end, the individual falls into a state of lethargy to which, sometimes, situations of hypotension and psychological depression can be added. And especially worrying are overdoses that increase body temperature and cause restlessness, irritability, alterations, seizures and even death.…

Drug Testing at Work: Are They Mandatory?

At some point in your working life in the United States, you will be required to undergo a drug test. Your employer may need it, whether before you are hired or already providing services to a company. Should you accept it? Does this violate your right to privacy? We’ll tell you.

Although some workers may consider this type of testing to violate their right to privacy, employers are protected by law as long as they comply with state and federal regulations. Company policies on drug testing should apply equally to everyone. There can be no discrimination.

From the employer’s perspective, illicit drug use by employees leads to:

  • Absenteeism
  • Decreased productivity
  • Work accidents
  • workers compensation claims
  • Liability claims.

Due to these and other factors, they consider these exams convenient.

The most common method of drug testing is through urine. However, a blood sample or even hair can also be analyzed, where traces of drug use remain much longer.

The time of its completion may be before or after hiring under certain circumstances.

Pre-employment drug testing

With a few exceptions, private employers may require job applicants to submit to a drug test as a condition of employment.

You have the right to refuse the test, but just as the test results will influence the employer’s decision, your refusal will most likely also affect your application, and your job offer could be withdrawn.

Unlike post-hire testing, pre-employment drug testing does not need to be justified by security or other considerations inherent to the position. It is simply the desire to have a workplace free of illegal drugs.

In unionized workplaces, prior drug testing may be subject to negotiation between the employer and the union. A union employee may not need to be tested unless it is specifically covered in the collective bargaining agreement.

State laws regulate pre-employment testing. If you have questions about whether you should take a drug test before being hired, check your state’s laws.

Drug Testing During Employment

Many states have laws that limit the circumstances under which an employer can require its employees to undergo drug testing. These regulations seek a balance between the legitimate interests of employers in maintaining a safe work environment and the privacy of workers.

The tests performed are subject to the laws and the employer’s drug testing policy. If you are a unionized employer, they will depend on the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the employer and the union.

The circumstances under which testing may be permitted vary depending on state laws, but may include:

Random and unannounced testing, sometimes limited to employees in positions that require greater safety for both the worker and others.

Periodic testing of all employees at specific times of the year.

Reasonable suspicion testing is when the employer observes signs of alcohol consumption or illegal drug abuse by an employee.

Tests after a work accident.

Follow-up testing when an employee returns to work after completing a drug rehabilitation program.

State and federal regulations require employees in certain professions to undergo drug testing. The transportation and construction industries are the ones most commonly needed to apply these regulations.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) notes: “Any person designated in DOT regulations as an employee providing safety-sensitive services is subject to alcohol and drug testing.” from the Department.”

In general, drivers who have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) are subject to this type of analysis. Similarly:

  • Pilots and other airline crew members
  • Aircraft and airport maintenance and security personnel
  • Operators of commercial vessels, oil/gas pipelines and heavy machinery, among others.

Standards for federal employees

The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 created mandatory guidelines that apply to many federal employees (executives, uniformed services, and most federal contractors).

“The use, possession or sale of illegal drugs is incompatible with federal employment. Employees who have used illegal drugs or who refuse to submit to testing, when necessary, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from federal service,” states the United States General Services Administration (GSA). In English).

Federal agencies that conduct drug testing must follow procedures established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

These standards require testing for amphetamines, hallucinogens, marijuana (THC, cannabinoids, hashish), cocaine, opioids (heroin, morphine, codeine), and phencyclidine (PCP).…

5 Benefits of Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Pre-employment drug testing is a common practice among job providers. Helps ensure the safety and productivity of your workspace.

Drug testing Pre-employment screenings are required for applicants seeking jobs that require them to be responsible for the safety of others. Examples include drivers, airplane pilots and railway workers.

However, a drug test may also be required after the applicant accepts the offer but before starting work. It is a way for the employer to determine if the candidate has a substance abuse problem that may endanger themselves or others.


Sometimes, employers may hesitate to request a drug test because they believe it is offensive to the employee. If you are an employer wondering whether you need your potential employees to take a drug test before starting work, these five benefits of pre-employment drug testing can help you make your decision:

  1. Prevents work injuries. Studies show that employees who use illegal substances are up to four times more likely to suffer or cause accidents. Up to 50% of all workers’ compensation claims turn out to be related to substance abuse in one way or another.
  2. Increase productivity. Employees who do not use drugs are three times more productive than those with substance abuse disorders.
  3. Reduces absenteeism. According to studies, every employee who engages in substance abuse tends to miss at least eight work days a year.
  4. Save money. One study shows that it costs companies about $50,000 to pay for workplace damages caused by an incapacitated employee.
  5. Improve job security. Prevention is the best way to protect your workspace from the negative effects of having an employee with a drug problem.


  • Urine analysis. Urinalysis is the most common method of testing your employees. It can detect traces of drugs up to 10 days after the substance was used. This method can detect a variety of substances and is very cost-effective. However, there is a risk that the employee will substitute your urine sample if they want to hide their drug abuse problem.
  • Blood test. Blood tests are very accurate and can detect any substance. However, it only detects substances minutes to hours after use and is an expensive method. For these reasons, it is rarely used as a pre-employment testing method. Conversely, you can apply if you suspect that one of your current employees is using illegal substances in the workplace.
  • Oral fluid test. This test is performed by taking and analyzing a saliva sample. The advantage of this type of testing is that the examiner observes the collection of the sample, making it difficult for the employee to cheat. However, the detection period is shorter than that of urinalysis.
  • Hair tests. A hair sample is a reliable testing method. However, it does not detect current substance use and is only suitable for employers who want to avoid hiring people with long-term drug problems. The detection window is approximately 90 days.

Importance of Detecting Drugs in The Company

For prevention to be effective, it is important to raise awareness about the disability caused by drugs, which is why it is essential to both educate and have the commitment of company directors. Having an education is a basis on which to begin to change the culture.

According to Carolina Aguirre, it is also necessary to use appropriate models “since it is proven that prevention models based on information are obsolete; “A continuous strategy is necessary that integrates both the organization and the individual since an isolated action is of no use.” Complementing the above, the Senda executive affirms that a “third element is the family environment; This triad can indeed be an important part of a long-term preventive strategy.

Planning: Prevention cannot be limited to testing; it is necessary to have a program. Clearly, talks and specific activities are not; “We need long-term plans and align the entire organization, starting with general management and including the joint committees and unions through efficient communication and the support of the company’s resources or third parties, to those who are having difficulties.”.

How a drug test works

Drug tests help detect narcotic substances within a person’s body, but each type of test is capable of detecting these substances differently.

Choosing one type or another test will depend on our needs. Drug tests generally detect one or more substances, so we must first know which drugs we want to detect and for what period they have been consumed.

Samples of urine, blood, breath, saliva, sweat or hair can be analyzed. Urine analysis is the most used because it is non-invasive, rapid, and capable of detecting many drugs. It can detect drugs taken within the last four days, sometimes longer, depending on the drug. Blood tests are not usually done because they are invasive tests and can only detect the presence of drugs up to a few hours after consumption. Hair analysis is not as easily available, but it can detect certain medications if they were consumed within the previous 100 days. Health professionals can directly observe the collection of the sample and seal it to be sure that it has not been tampered with.

Drug tests are not always accurate. Urinalysis, the most commonly used test, gives incomplete and sometimes even incorrect results. Sometimes, tests do not detect a drug that the person is actually taking (a false negative result). This can happen if the following occurs:

  • The test is not designed or has limited sensitivity to detect a specific drug or drug component.
  • The urine is very dilute, so the amount of drug in the urine is less than the test can detect.
  • The person presents a sample from another person or adds a substance to the urine to alter the sample.

On the other hand, tests sometimes give positive results when the person is not using drugs (false positive result). For example, poppy seeds can produce false positive results for opiates (heroin is a derivative of poppy plants).