Pre-employment drug testing is a common practice among job providers. Helps ensure the safety and productivity of your workspace.

Drug testing Pre-employment screenings are required for applicants seeking jobs that require them to be responsible for the safety of others. Examples include drivers, airplane pilots and railway workers.

However, a drug test may also be required after the applicant accepts the offer but before starting work. It is a way for the employer to determine if the candidate has a substance abuse problem that may endanger themselves or others.


Sometimes, employers may hesitate to request a drug test because they believe it is offensive to the employee. If you are an employer wondering whether you need your potential employees to take a drug test before starting work, these five benefits of pre-employment drug testing can help you make your decision:

  1. Prevents work injuries. Studies show that employees who use illegal substances are up to four times more likely to suffer or cause accidents. Up to 50% of all workers’ compensation claims turn out to be related to substance abuse in one way or another.
  2. Increase productivity. Employees who do not use drugs are three times more productive than those with substance abuse disorders.
  3. Reduces absenteeism. According to studies, every employee who engages in substance abuse tends to miss at least eight work days a year.
  4. Save money. One study shows that it costs companies about $50,000 to pay for workplace damages caused by an incapacitated employee.
  5. Improve job security. Prevention is the best way to protect your workspace from the negative effects of having an employee with a drug problem.


  • Urine analysis. Urinalysis is the most common method of testing your employees. It can detect traces of drugs up to 10 days after the substance was used. This method can detect a variety of substances and is very cost-effective. However, there is a risk that the employee will substitute your urine sample if they want to hide their drug abuse problem.
  • Blood test. Blood tests are very accurate and can detect any substance. However, it only detects substances minutes to hours after use and is an expensive method. For these reasons, it is rarely used as a pre-employment testing method. Conversely, you can apply if you suspect that one of your current employees is using illegal substances in the workplace.
  • Oral fluid test. This test is performed by taking and analyzing a saliva sample. The advantage of this type of testing is that the examiner observes the collection of the sample, making it difficult for the employee to cheat. However, the detection period is shorter than that of urinalysis.
  • Hair tests. A hair sample is a reliable testing method. However, it does not detect current substance use and is only suitable for employers who want to avoid hiring people with long-term drug problems. The detection window is approximately 90 days.